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09-15-2020 – Board Meeting Minutes

09-15-2020 – Board Meeting Minutes

Shady Rest Homeowners Association, Inc.
Board of Directors Annual Meeting


Location: Shady Rest Beach and via Zoom.

Attendance: 26 Owner/Members present, 4 on Zoom.

Called to Order: 6:40 pm

Treasurer’s Report: Tim O’Meara reported that our Cash Account balance is $9,994.35. The billed Annual Dues were $13,115.00, so far $9,690.00 have been collected. Profit and Loss for 1/1/20 through 9/15/20: Total Income-$10,230.00, Total COGS-$4,652.53, Total Expenses-$2,027.89 = Net Ordinary Income-$3,549.58. Gary Gilroy questioned why donor monies were not included in the Cash on Hand for Dock Storage. A special meeting on 9/23/20 via Zoom will occur to discuss all Dock Storage concerns.

Old Business:

Pavilion person needed: Mike Wilkowski has agreed to keeping track of dates of when the pavilion is reserved and following up after reserved events to make sure all is in order. Shilo Hunt and Amy Lavoie will assist Mike with this process. Dave Knight will set up a reservation process for this on the website.

New Business:

Community Mailbox: Kim McIntosh reports that the mailbox has been having good activity with notes from neighbors and for the use of dropping off ballot votes.

Dues: Reminder letters to be sent out for unpaid dues. 73% collected so far. It was also discussed about possibly freezing of dues fees for Senior citizens. And it was decided that we would only charge dues fees to lots that were buildable.

Entrance Sign: The entrance sign was damaged, looking into getting some touch-up paint to repair, no insurance claim will be filed. Still waiting for a final decision on the “No Soliciting” sign, to buy new or use existing.

Board Contact Sheet: To be added to the website.

Up & Coming Dates: Halloween will be determined by what the Town has decided to do due to Covid restrictions. Possible ideas: Pumpkin run; a charitable event for Shady Rest residents only, Pumpkin Carving Contest; exhibit at the beach, Caroling; to soon to decide yet due to Covid.

Proposed Bylaw Amendment Addition and Changes by ballot voting: Proposed changes to the Bylaw section 2.01, “prohibiting the breeding, raising, boarding and housing of horse, fowl or farm animals of any kind within the confines Shady Rest” to include: “..that has been prohibited by CT state of Sandy Hook ordinances”. Ballot voting denied the change, to be rewritten and resubmitted at another time. And the proposed change to Bylaw section 4.02, Election of Officers to include: majority vote “via secret ballot” at the Annual Meeting. This was also determined to be rewritten and resubmitted at another time. And lastly, the addition of Section 4.04, Code of Conduct section for all board members; A member of the board is an advocate in the community and an extension of the officers by: ,1) Remaining approachable, respectful, and professional while discussing community matters, 2) Contributing to and participating in community activities/events, maintenance, and correspondences and 3) Attending at least two thirds of scheduled board meetings. Ballot voting determined this addition as accepted and will be added to the Bylaws in the future.

Additional Topics of Interest: The following were put up to ballot voting as to whether we’d like to pursue these interests in the future: Beach Parking Lot expansion for more space to turn vehicles with boat trailers around, Community Dock (in Beach area) for fishing and temporary boat/jet ski access, and an additional Boat Ramp (in Beach are) that would be accessible from the parking lot. All 3 topics were voted down as not an interest of the community at this time.

Boat Ramp: The posts at the boat ramp need to be widened to make for easier access. To be discussed at a future date.

Beach: It has been reiterated that there are to be no boats whatsoever in and around the beach area. Also, it was decided that no personal properties of any kind are to be left at the beach.

2020/2021 Board Members: Along with Kim McIntosh as President, Amy Lavoie as Vice President, Tim O’Meara as Treasurer and Mary Edgerton as Secretary, the following will be board members for the 2020/2021 period: Gary Gilroy, Scott Westlund, Mike Wilkowski, Cindi Naramore, Dave Knight, Greg Kirkpatrick, Bernadette Pokladowski, and Greg Franzino.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:20 pm.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 01/12/2021 at 7:00pm at a location to be determined